The World’s Smallest Austin Prep Logo

Kian Wjnaendts van Resandt '24, Writer

Behold, the world’s smallest Austin Prep logo. Why was it made? Important reasons, that’s why. This tiny logo is a micrograph made with a nanofrazor in Zurich, Switzerland which was made by the company my father works for. A nanofrazor is a machine used in various different types of research. Its purpose is nano-fabrication. Nanofabrication is the creation of patterns and devices that are in the range of 110-9 meters (one billionth of a meter, or one nanometer) to 110-6 meters (one-millionth of a meter, or one micrometer). A tiny, hot needle is used to remove material from the surface of a polymer-coated glass plate. A nanofrazor can make structures as small as 15 nm.

The unit of the X- and Y- axes of the micrograph is μm (micrometers). The Austin Prep logo in this image is about 18 μm x 18 μm. In comparison, the thickness of a human hair ranges from 100-200 μm. That being said, ten of these minuscule logos could be lined up on the diameter of a hair. This incredible feat of engineering is one of the reasons I want to pursue the sciences in college.