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Booked for Love

Booked for Love

Kendall- Hi, do you know where I can find the Romance section?


Library Worker- Yeah! It’s right over there. 


Kendall- Okay, thanks.


Kendall reads a few books. A young boy then trips and pushes down all the book cases. They fall like dominoes. Kendall can’t hear it though because she has headphones in.


Everyone in the library screams but Kendall can’t hear them. 


Librarian- Girl in the romance section, MOVE!!


Kendall- Huh? AHHHHHH!!!!!


Kendall looks at the falling bookcase and keeps on screaming. Right before they are about to fall on her, someone pushes her out of the way. 


Library- *sigh* Yay!


Kendall looks up to see a handsome face. She falls in love instantly.


Kendall- Oh My God! I’m so careless. Thank you so much. You saved me.


Mystery Man- It’s no problem. I’m Dwayne Martinsson. Who are you?


Kendall- I’m Kendall Colter. I should really do you a favor. Give me your number and I can take you for coffee.


Dwayne- You don’t have to do that.


Kendall- Please, I insist.


The two exchange phones to type in their numbers. When they swipe out of the app, they look at each other’s lock screens.


Kendall- An octopus? Are they your favorite animal?


Dwayne- No, thats my pet.


Kendall- Pet?


Dwayne- Yep. And I’m guessing that softball is your favorite sport.


Kendall- Yep. Played it since I was two.


Dwayne- You know what, I want to get to know you. I think I will take that deal for coffee.


Kendall- Great! Just text me the date.


Dwayne- Bye Kendall.


Kendall- Bye Dwayne.


Kendall turned around and blushed. She knew that her romance book just came true.

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