CHAPTER ONE: Cinnamon’s Journey
Cinnamon’s head was spinning-he had just gained consciousness. He was so motion sick, he felt like he had just fallen off a cliff. He laid there, paws stretched in all directions, facing the lavender sky. In a flash, Cinnamon realized what had happened. He had been absorbed by that light in the library, and now was in a strange, distant land, far away from Cottonville.
Hmmmm… Cinnamon thought. What should I do now? Out of nowhere, a wave of panic washed over Cinnamon. Where am I? How will I be able to return home?
The brown-sugar-colored bunny was in a forest clearing, surrounded by pine trees that seemed to touch the purple sky. Cinnamon stood there, terrified of the dangers that might linger in the woods. He hugged his favorite book, teeth chattering. He bristled when he heard a rustle in the bushes. Suddenly, a strange creature emerged from the plants, waddling out to Cinnamon. The bunny froze in fear.
“Hi there!” quacked a yellow creature that Cinnamon had never seen before.
“Who are you? What type of bunny are you?” Cinnamon demanded.
“No, silly! I’m no bunny! I’m Sunny, the duck. Ever heard of me?” Sunny raised and lowered his eyebrows as if he was about to give Cinnamon an autograph. “I’m the most famous resident in all of Carrot Land! Surely you know me!”
“Carrot Land…?” Cinnamon asked in disbelief. “Carrot Land is a fantasy.”
“Did you hit your head? Where are you from? What’s your name?” Sunny questioned.
“I’m Cinnamon. I’m from Cottonville, Bunmania. Carrot Land is my favorite book. I don’t know where I am, who you are, what you are, and where the heck I should go.”
“Cottonville…?” Sunny mumbled. “Cottonville isn’t real…”
“Cottonville? I live there! It is beautiful and sunny all the time. I live in a bunny home. My family owns the only Bunnyvan ever. I had a wonderful life until this happened.”
“Are you out of your mind?” Sunny said. “Now I really think you hit your head! Stop lying to me!”
“I’m not lying! This isn’t Carrot Land! Please, help me find my way home.” Cinnamon began to cry right in front of Sunny.
“Don’t cry. I’ll help you. Come to my house and stay with me. We’ll find a way to get you home.” Sunny was so comforting.
“Alright, I guess,” Cinnamon sniffled. Sunny put a wing around the bunny and they took the path to exit the forest.
“What did you say you were?” Cinnamon asked.
“A duck. Why?”
“Never heard of such a thing,” Cinnamon responded. The two companions walked hand in hand out of the woods and into a wondrous world of unknown.
“Hello!” an odd-looking bunny said giddily to the two animals.
“Hi, Mandy!” Sunny exclaimed. “Let’s hurry up,” he whispered. “I don’t want to have to say hello to all these people.”
Cinnamon nodded and walked alongside Sunny, his book hugged tight to his chest.
“How did you get here?” Sunny asked.
“Through this,” Cinnamon answered, pointing to the book called Carrot Land. Sunny’s eyes brightened.
“Come on,” he said suddenly. “I’ll get you home.”
CHAPTER TWO: The Chilling Way
As the duck and the bunny waddled and hopped to Sunny’s super sweet cottage, the two ran into the house and slammed the door, locking it.
“What is happening?” Cinnamon demanded.
“I’m bringing you home,” Sunny said quietly. He lowered his voice even more. “This book is a symbol of fantasy. When you went inside it, fantasy came to life. And so did Squappapanda, who wants to take over the world. Do you realize what you’ve done?”
Cinnamon screamed, “Throw me in the book!” He jumped inside the glowing story, flipped to his favorite page, and jumped inside. And suddenly, the book disappeared, and so did Cinnamon. They had gone home.
But once again, Sunny was left alone.